As part of the Consortium on Addiction Recovery Science, two HEAL-funded research teams are laying the groundwork for current and future science-based community participation in recovery research. provides facility information using publicly available data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and cannot independently verify the data. does not guarantee the quality of care or results of working with any provider or treatment facility. Please contact us if you are the proprietor of a facility and have updates or corrections to site content.

Odyssey House helps New Yorkers in need overcome drug and alcohol abuse, improve their physical and mental health, and defeat homelessness. Odyssey House’s behavioral health approach to treatment integrates mental health care to help you break this vicious cycle. By treating the underlying causes to your addiction, we can help you to improve your total well-being and achieve a more successful recovery. Recovery support recovery residence resources can be found within recovery organizations at the local, state, and national levels. Today, there are hundreds of such organizations throughout the United States. The groups vary widely in size, membership, and activities – but all provide various types of support to people living with the disease of addiction, including a human touch that connects people with lived experiences who have walked a familiar path.

Important 2021 COVID follow-up survey for recovery residence providers

A faith-based approach in conjunction with medication may resonate with one person, whereas someone else may prefer behavioral therapy and a different type of medication for opioid use disorder (at least three are available and effective). Various barriers have made family involvement in services for substance use disorders the exception rather than the rule. In many cases, providers don’t have training or tools to know what to do. Psychiatric medications and medication-assisted treatment.

recovery residence

The vital signs include various evidence-based assessments that measure engagement (health outcomes and ratings related to relationships and cravings) and the many sources of recovery capital. The goal, Rutherford explains, is to construct a “recovery story” built from both qualitative and quantitative data for each individual seeking support. Various HEAL-funded research projects, such as the HEALing Communities Study, partner with recovery organizations to help communities choose the most effective strategies to meet local needs and conditions. The NIH HEAL Initiative also partners with NIDA to fund research within the Consortium on Addiction Recovery Science, a nationwide effort that focuses on research network-building initiatives.

Meeting People Where They Are

The goal of recovery support services – which were originally developed by people in recovery and have grown largely outside of the health care system – is to help people either in or seeking recovery from addiction build and sustain positive social networks. They address multiple factors including education, job training and employment, positive family and social relationships, and housing opportunities, and they work to meet many other personal and professional needs. These factors, known collectively as “recovery capital,” enhance an individual’s ability to function in his or her surroundings, reduce the risk of problematic substance use, and maximize quality of life. In 2016, Rutherford created the cloud-based Recovery Data Platform that houses “recovery vital signs” from 70 recovery organizations nationwide. This information can be used by any organization to provide tailored recovery services to program participants.

To this extent, it is true that no one with addictive behavior is ever “cured.” But we are all at risk of repeating old behaviors (in my field it’s called “regressing”) whether these old behaviors are addictions or anything else that used to be part of our solution to life. That’s not a specific feature of addictions; it’s just the way humans are. Neither of these usages is problematic, so long as we all understand what is meant. In fact, studies have shown that people who struggle with these and other conditions are two to three times  more likely to also suffer from drug or alcohol addiction. Support groups provide a space for getting social support, a sense of empowerment, and motivation from people who have faced — or are facing — similar challenges and circumstances. Counselors and therapists can help you identify factors that underly your substance use, to avoid triggers, to strengthen your motivation, and to navigate treatment options.

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